Thursday, August 11, 2011

Something for everyone!

This Saturday 13 August will see us gather to toil in the garden again - the list for this week is below. In case you are wondering whether there might be any chores you can help out with, let us assure you that is something for everyone to do at a garden working-bee. Here is a collection from a few recent working bees: sowing seeds; re-mulching pathways; maintaining and marking tools; potting up plants such as strawberry runners; building (our current project is creating worm farms out of old bath tubs); caring for the produce (watering, mulching, netting, creating support structures) and of course planting out seeds and (now) our very own seedlings from our hot-house!

Every season is different in the garden. At the moment we are rejoicing in the produce that is thriving including: leeks, chard, garlic, potatoes,kale, spinach, broad beans, climbing peas, snow peas, cauliflower, broccoli, onions and artichokes.

In the hot-house we continue to sow seeds that will transition into the garden as spring comes on. One thing that we know is that we are entering the season of growth, which means lots of care but also, lots and lots of harvesting!

Hopefully you can see yourself somewhere in one of these pictures!

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