Last Saturday saw a record crowd turn up for our working bee, we got a lot done and we had a good time. Which is what it is all about. The photo to the left is us taking a break, enjoying morning tea together.
This SATURDAY 3 SEPTEMBER will see us gather again. The list of jobs is varied as usual:
- Plant out corn seedlings
- Prepare the top slope for planting out cucumber seedlings
- Plant cucumber seedlings out
- Continue feeding the fruit trees
- Direct planting zucchini seeds in raised domes
- Plant up seeds such as zucchini and pumpkin to grow on in the hot house
- Plant out bean seedlings in top terrace and interplant with bean seeds
Gabrielle and Julie will be there at 9 to 'direct' proceedings this week. Come early and put in a couple of good hours before the sun gets too high in the sky! There is plenty to harvest and share too - including our first crops of artichokes and broad beans.
Inspiring! Gourmet dinner coming up...