This Saturday 7th June our Community Garden will be the venue for a talk being provided by the Australian Plant Society (APS). The talk is being given by Graeme Errington.
Kiama Community Garden Members are welcome to attend the talk.
Below is information about the talk provided by APS and a link to their web site.
Graeme Errington – Technical Officer, Rainforest Conservation Project, Australian PlantBank has kindly agreed to talk to the group about his recent work at Mount Annan.
Graeme originally trained as a horticulturist and has worked at Mount Annan Botanic Garden for 15 years, 8 years as a seed collector. His recent work has focused on the seed biology of rainforest species.
Graeme originally trained as a horticulturist and has worked at Mount Annan Botanic Garden for 15 years, 8 years as a seed collector. His recent work has focused on the seed biology of rainforest species.
The Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust have run a successful seed conservation program for over a decade. The program is now accommodated in the Australian PlantBank, and continues to collect suitable species from dryland communities. Rainforests have been a neglected area in terms of seed conservation due to the variability in seed storage behaviour of many species. Through the collection and assessment of species from rainforest communities we can determine, which species can be seed banked and which species require alternatives such as tissue culture or cryopreservation.
Graeme's talk will cover, the collection program, seed storage behaviour as it relates to rainforest species and a bit about the new PlantBank.
Date & Time: June 7th 2014 at 11a.m.
Venue: Kiama Community Gardens, Havilah Place
Parking: Please park in the Kiama Leisure Centre car park, in Havilah Place. Access to the gardens is by entering the gate to the soccer fields and walking to the left along the fence line.
* * * Please note this is an outside venue. Therefore please come along well prepared (wooly hats, scarves and gloves) * * *
After Graeme's talk we shall be firing up the wood stove oven for some yummy home made pizzas. Please bring along a selection of your favourite toppings to share on the day.
Finally a "Gold Coin" donation will be in place on the Saturday, these donations will go directly to the Community Gardens, for kindly allowing us to use their space.
Looking forward to seeing you all there, for what should be a very interesting talk.
Date & Time: June 7th 2014 at 11a.m.
Venue: Kiama Community Gardens, Havilah Place
Parking: Please park in the Kiama Leisure Centre car park, in Havilah Place. Access to the gardens is by entering the gate to the soccer fields and walking to the left along the fence line.
* * * Please note this is an outside venue. Therefore please come along well prepared (wooly hats, scarves and gloves) * * *
After Graeme's talk we shall be firing up the wood stove oven for some yummy home made pizzas. Please bring along a selection of your favourite toppings to share on the day.
Finally a "Gold Coin" donation will be in place on the Saturday, these donations will go directly to the Community Gardens, for kindly allowing us to use their space.
Looking forward to seeing you all there, for what should be a very interesting talk.
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