Friday, December 23, 2011

Seasons Eatings

Hello Community Gardeners,

There will be no working bees or meetings until the new year. The first meeting will be Wednesday 4th Jan and the first working bee will be Saturday 7th Jan.

All Kiama Community Gardeners are encouraged to harvest from the garden over the break.The garden is bursting with veggies at the moment so please don't let them go to waste.

2011 has been a spectacular year for the Kiama Community Garden. Let's see what we can make of 2012.

Gardeners Eddie, Deb and Steve enjoying the silly season
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Jobs for Saturday 17th December

"Tis the season ... to get busy in the garden 

1)      Clean out plants from the hot house

2)      Repair the timber chairs

3)      Sand the pergola

4)      Harvest

5)      Share a cuppa

Please join us from 8:30am.

Access the gardens from the Kiama Leisure Centre car park along the ovals fence line.

Please wear sturdy shoes and a hat.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Native Food Forest

 The beginning of our Native Food Forest

Please join the Kiama Community Garden members and others this Saturday 10th December from 8:30am as we plant out the Hillside outside the KCG. The Native Food Forest will provide a great example of edible native plants that grow well in the Illawarra.

Work has been going on for the last few months to prepare and weed the hillside and we are now ready to get planting.

Please come along and help plant the food forest, bring a friend.
Also pick up your free Grow Local guides on the day.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Delicious Celebration of Spring, Now for a Produce Packed Summer!.

Last Sunday 27 November, a selection of the garden's spring produce was transformed into a delicious brunch for 40 people. The Spring into the Garden brunch was made possible with the combined effort of Slow Food Saddleback, Kiama Council and the Kiama Community garden. The atmosphere and the dining was wonderful, So much so, that people have already expressed their interest in coming back for more of the same!

This weekend our planned work will help us maintain, organise and generate a beautiful and bountiful summer place for us all. Hope you can join us from 0830am.

Jobs for Saturday 3 December include:
  • Begin preparing pergola uprights for oiling.
  • Relocate some of the herbs from raised garden bed to half wine barrel.
  • Clear an easily accessible path through to the back of the shipping container.
  • Mulch top bank with lucerne.
  • Thin out unsuitable hybrid zucchinis.
  • Plant pure strain Zucchini from Italian Gardener.
  • Harvest and share Beans, Zucchini, Beetroot and Chard.
  • Turn Hot Compost.
  • Check Citrus for pests.

  • Eat cake – celebrate – and enjoy each other’s company!
Please Park at the Leisure Centre and enter the garden via the soccer fields.