Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gardening in November

Tomatoes, eggplants, capsicums, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, beans and potatoes are just some of the vegetables we have planted recently. Many of our fruit trees are flowering and fruiting - chocolate pudding fruit, mango, fig and many more.

Many of our regulars have been helping with weeding and watering but we would always welcome some new faces. Come and visit us on a Saturday morning and have a look around. We are located between the sporting fields and Blue Haven.

Dates for November

Saturday Working Bees - 2nd, 9th, 16th and 30th,  9am

Wednesday Working Bees - 6th, 20th at 9.30

Wednesday General Meetings - 13th, 27th at 4.30

Governance Meeting - 21st November

The AGM will be held on Friday 6th December at 5pm. This will double as our Christmas gathering with a party to follow at 6pm.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Hot Summer Coming!

All hands will be needed this summer to help water and mulch the garden if the dryness that is forecast eventuates. The bounteous harvest above was from a day in late October 2011. Garden produce is shared by all who help to care for it. Hopefully such a delicious looking photo will encourage new members to the garden. October dates are as follows:  Wednesday working bee: 9.30am on October 16th. Wednesday meetings: 4.30pm, October 9th and 23rd. Saturday working bees 9.30am on October 12th and 19th.  Hope to see you there.

Opportunities in October

Visit the Community Garden in October for the opportunity to make new friends and learn new skills.
We will be planting, propagating, potting up and of course, harvesting.

We had a very successful plant stall near Woolies on 7th September and since we still have many plants to sell we are going to have another stall in the main street. The date and location will be posted on this blog soon. If you missed out on the last stall, visit us at our next one for great bargains.

Dates for October

Saturday Working Bees -  5th, 12th and 19th October, 9am

Wednesday Working Bees - 2nd and 16th October at 9.30 am

Wednesday General Meetings - 9th and 23rd October

Governance Committee Meeting - 17th October, 6.30 at the garden