The garden is ready for some TLC.
This Saturday 2nd February in the garden we will be:
- Planting out the new bed on the top terrace with Zucchinis
- Planting out the new bed in the middle terrace with beetroot seedlings etc from the hot house
- Constructing another pallet compost bay near the top gate
- Watering
- Feeding the worms
- Weeding
- Harvesting
- Enjoying morning tea & chat
We will be starting from 8:30.
As always, please enter the garden from the Kiama Sports Fields. Parking is in the Kiama Leisure Centre car park or in Thompson St near the end of Bong Bong St. Please wear sturdy shoes and gardening clothes. Please bring a hat, gloves and a tasty treat to share for morning tea (a gold coin donation box available in lieu of bringing food). Hope to see you there.